I’ve never been negatively impacted by the minimalism but I have witnessed you sleeping amongst the bugs in a way that I probably wouldn’t partake in

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This is very accurate.

Wandering was counter-intuitive for me, but after a long, intense journey of work... wandering brought more transformation than any more intense work would have gotten me.

Also, your point on Microwandering reminded me of Khalen's recent article on navigating Micro/Macro transition: https://mindful-minutes.ck.page/

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Beautiful to hear, Rick. I'm curious to learn more about your particular flavor of wandering...and where it's landed you at this moment!

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I'd call it: "wandering in place."

It started with a sabbatical away from work, but the wandering happened via inner work: writing, walks, meeting new people, having fun, etc.

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Dom, I so so enjoyed this! Scrolling has certainly become a poor replacement for our wanderlust. I've been living in Cape Town for the past few months and it's struck me how some urban spaces, particularly those that have formed around large natural features like mountain, sea or dessert, are just so much healthier precisely because they cater to our desire to explore. I'm heading back to the US soon where I will lose this almost luxurious access to rugged mountain, open land and vast ocean. Right now all of these are within a 5 to 15-minute drive from my apartment. The effect of being able to get lost in a forest every time I'm having a hard day, or to meander amongst the fynbos in the tract of land across the road (a protected heritage site) has been nothing short of life-changing. And it makes me think how we'd all be so much better off if we could live near spaces that afford us that sense of bathing in wander and wonder.

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Rebecca, thanks so much for this - it's beautiful to hear how you're weaving in the conversation with the natural world into your days, and how powerful it's been.

I've found that there are *usually* ways to find some connection with the wild no matter where we are, though it can be hard. And multi-day wilderness immersions can have a lasting effect :)

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